Welcome to our newsletter, "Moving The World". Every few weeks, we provide the latest from The Routing Company.
Pingo Access™Transform paratransit; commingle service
Pingo Analytics™Unmatched data management and reporting
Pingo Call-Center Booking™Easy trip booking over the phone
Pingo Campus™Supercharge campus mobility
Pingo Flex™Flex between fixed and on-demand routes
Pingo Guaranteed Pre-booking™Lets riders plan ahead with confidence
Pingo Journey™End-to-end journey planning
Pingo Rural™Tailored service for rural deployments
Pingo Venues™Groups riders at convenient venues
The Hub™Operational overview and management for dispatchers
Transit Connect™Guaranteed connections to fixed routes
Transit Protect™Fortifies and protects fixed routes
Let's talk transit
Get in touch to discuss how we can help move your community. Have questions, or want to see a demo? We can help with that too.
Welcome to our newsletter, "Moving The World". Every few weeks, we provide the latest from The Routing Company.