Chillicothe Transit announces new software for booking rides
CHILLICOTHE — The Chillicothe transit system is now using a new software to book and provide rides for local residents looking to use the on-demand rides and fixed routes.
Transit Director Aaron Kennedy said the new dispatching software makes it easy to book and plan rides and the new app is more user-friendly.
"Ultimately it will be a much more user-friendly software," said Kennedy.
With the app riders will be able to track the buses and on-demand rides. Being able to track the on-demand rides is a new feature that will help riders. Users will also receive notifications alerting them when their ride is nearby.
By using the location of the phone the app is easy to set up after download, all the user has to do is create a basic profile and start scheduling trips.
Overall, the new software, said Kennedy, will help better the experience of local public transit riders.
The Ride Pingo app is available in the app store to download.